Begin Your Awakening in the Privacy of your Own Home

In just 7 weeks become the vibrant, magnetic, alive woman you have always known you could be.

Awaken to Your Body will be like nothing you've ever experienced. For your relationship to yourself, your relationship to your body, and your experience of the divine.

In this course we will be exploring how knowing our body, and awakening our sexual energy or life-force energy is essential to embracing and moving through life in our true power.

We will be establishing a new paradigm for Tantra, uniting the ancient meditations with comprehensive knowledge of how to integrate these tools into your life. Each week we will work with a different element of Tantric meditation to move you into a place of feeling your body in a completely new way, allowing pleasure to flow through you, experiencing your true power and deeply loving yourself.

You will also discover your personal practice which will easily integrate into your life and nourish you for years to come.

It's a transformational journey and unlike live workshops & events which are amazing for breaking through into new ground and having a group experience, this Home-study course is great for discovering and integrating the practice into your life and making deep shifts which
relate to your specific issues- designed for both experienced Tantrikas and newbies alike.

The problem with most programs is that they try to transform these deeply rooted ways that we hold back from ourselves from the outside in... in Tantra we move from the inside out & we specifically work with our pelvis and our relationship to sexuality where many of us hold our shame.

Awaken is not about changing who you are or creating more ideals to live up to - it's about awakening to the PRESENT and allowing yourself to fully feel the great pleasure and freedom of simply being alive. For greater results and impact than you've ever imagined... for
yourself, your relationships, and the world.

Here’s what you get when you purchase the Awakening to Your Body Home Study Course and including bonuses:

7 CDs, each CD is a class where you will experience a different practice to give you an experience of awakening in your body

You will also receive a workbook with a synopsis of the class, transcribed copy of the meditation that week, and home-play assignments to help you integrate the practice into your life

Recordings 2 group question & answer sessions in addition to the 7 classes

Access to the private Facebook group where you can share, ask questions, meet others in the course & receive input from me

1 hour Yoga DVD to support our practices

The first 21 to purchase will receive the audio The Pathway to Conscious Relationship & Lovemaking which is a guided relaxation and visualization

Here’s just some of what you’ll discover during your journey:

* The exact tools you can use immediately to clear blocks in your body and awaken a flow of orgasmic energy accessible to you in EVERY moment….in just one Tantra session I have seen these tools; save couples relationships, free women from pain or numbness during intercourse, shift body-image issues, and literally awaken the beauty in every woman I have shared them with.

* How these practices will easily break through deep-rooted habitual patterns – in a way that will integrate shifts and changes into your life immediately – something that many therapists & healers are unaware of

* How to uncover an inner wisdom that has been all but lost in our modern culture. Yes, right now you have untapped information you aren’t even aware of…After this call, you’ll know what reveals this wisdom and how to live with ease, heal your body and have better sex by ‘tuning in’ to it.

* How to move beyond your limited experience of pleasure. Whether you have never experienced orgasm before or you consider yourself to be especially sexually savvy, what is possible within your body is rarely understood or experienced in our modern times

* The very best part of unlocking your potential for pleasure has very little to do with the great sex you will be having- that is the gravy – the best part is the fulfillment, the confidence, the aliveness and the love you experience within yourself

Pay In Full: Only $397

Payment Plan: 4 payments of $120 (billed every 2 weeks)

The transformations women have experienced from this course are mind-blowing here is what some women have shared (I am keeping the testimonials anonymous because the subject matter is so private and tender):"Today I made love for the first time in a long time, with tenderness, with tears, speaking my truth, asking for what I want.

I am so grateful for allowing myself to feel again. Allowing myself to touch the places inside of me that need healing. An awakening in it."

~ Anonymous

"what a blessing this is! I'm having such a wonderful time on this journey with you. I feel like a little kid in a candy store.....excited, thrilled, overwhelmed, delighted and open open open....with my whole body and being.

Charu, I experience you so completely and trust your teachings and wisdom inexplicably!!!! i feel so happy!!!!!!!

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to show up, as i am, in a space of acceptance."


*PLEASE NOTE: PAYMENTS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE AND NON-TRANSFERRABLE. By completing the payment process you are agreeing to these terms.

Please allow up to 3 weeks for delivery (however most shipments often arrive much sooner).